A Wedding In Winnipeg

Despite the difficulty in getting to Winnipeg, we really did have a grand old time at the wedding on Saturday. And one of the best reasons? My super-fly tragic hip turned two over the weekend—which is a milestone in terms of my health.

Then, it all came crashing down as I caught the mortal illness from my RRHB. Sunday night, as we were watching The Wire at a friend’s house, I became very, very ill. And there’s nothing worse than having the runs at someone else’s house; I’m mortally embarrassed by bowel movements as it is, lord, I can’t even bear typing it.

Anyway, the same crap happened on our return flight where, because I didn’t pre-buy the seat selection, we were going to get bumped. I started to cry. The gate attendant took pity and bumped us up to Executive Class. I shivered and huddled my way through the flight and crept into bed the minute we got home.

My body still isn’t right, which means I’ll miss dance class.

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