When Is Too Much Too Much?

Part of my fancy-ass job is to take people out to lunch. Today I went to Wish, on Charles Street E., downtown. We ordered a basic lunch but the bill was giant. “Why?”, you ask? Because we paid $17.00 FOR WATER. Once we found out that the water cost $8.50 a bottle, WITHOUT TAX, we drank every last drop.


6 thoughts on “When Is Too Much Too Much?”

  1. OH. I’ve been there for dinner once. And we ordered water. But umm…I didn’t see the bill so I had no idea. Wow!

    (I do remember thinking that it was a rather fancy bottle…)

  2. Titally fancy bottle. Totally NOT worth $18.00 though—and then I felt super-guilty about drinking water imported all the way from Norway, and all the environmental no-nos that entails. A girl just can’t win.

  3. $17.00 for 2 bottles of water?!?! That should be illegal. That was my food budget for 1 week while in University.

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