On The Road And In The City

We ate breakfast in Scranton. Can you believe it? I was this-close to my dream of eventually being on “The Office.”

The giant map of NYC sucked us in and we got wicked lost. The best part? It didn’t end up a full-on fight.

Our hotel is steps away from Ground Zero. We walked by and I can help but think of it as grave yard to some extent.

Then we spent 4 hours walking around. We had dinner at the mac & cheese place I read about on Tara’s site (holler! Taraariano.com).

This city is amazing. It’s sweltering. You sweat just by stepping one beat down the road.

I love that we drove though. I thought a lot about Kerouac and the long trips they made. Damn I love a good road trip. Last night we stayed in rub-down motel off hiway 81 – there was a bug in the bed.


2 thoughts on “On The Road And In The City”

  1. Yes, a chance to travel is why I wish I could graduate soon. I haven’t been out of my province in… years… gah, it’s been years! Yeah, I need a vacation.

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