#47 – I Capture The Castle

Dodie Smith’s I Capture the Castle, originally published in 1948, tells the story of Cassandra Mortmain, whose very eccentric family lives in a rundown castle (of the book’s title) in rural England. Now, I know this book isn’t on my summer reading challenge, and I read it for different reasons which I’ll explain once the plans are fully set in motion (new project, very much fun), suffice it to say that I enjoyed this book immensely. I think it’s because Cassandra, who is the book’s narrator and main character, tells the story with such an immediacy (oh, how she swoons) that I got sucked right in and, despite the fact that it took me so long to finish, enjoyed every word.

Oh, and I watched the movie a while back when I was recovering from my hip surgery. It was on TMN and I have to say that I also enjoyed it a great deal (although I didn’t remember that I had seen the movie until I was halfway through the book…). Mainly, the movie will have a soft spot in my heart because of Romola Garai, who will forever be Katey Miller from Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights, quite possibly the best fun-bad movie I’ve seen in ages. Cuba!

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