Playing Catch Up

Life has gotten a little crazy this week. Here’s a breakdown of what’s gone on:

1. We visited with the family for Father’s Day and then drove like mad up to Guelph to see The Weakerthans, who were opening for The Tragically Hip (do you think they’ll sue me for breech of coolness re: the name of this blog?). My RRHB sang on “Dedication” (the Sarah Harmer part) and we watched the rest of the show from backstage. Very Almost Famous, sort of.

2. I’ve been doing my Page A Day challenge; it’s going well. I’ve almost written a whopping 12,000 words. Not bad for a story I only started three weeks ago.

3. My summer reading challenge has gone down the toilet already. There’s just too much to do other than read these days. I’m trying not to be too hard on myself.

4. I met, had lunch with and then interviewed Curtis Sittenfeld today: a totally wicked and awesomely fun experience. She’s super smart, has a very dry, ironic sense of humour and is as fabulous as her writing. I love it when that happens. Oh, and the ladies we lunched with from Chatelaine were equally charming, lovely and funny. I love it when that happens too.

5. Tomorrow is Needle Day, Week Seven. So far, and keep those fingers crossed, I’m not feeling any overwhelming side effects from the new drug. I’m dancing a jig as we speak.

See, see why I have no time? And it’s only going to get worse as the summer progresses…

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