TRH Movie – The Devil Wears Prada

And she wears it well, and she wears Chanel, and Manolos and all kinds of other things…

The Devil Wears Prada is a faithful and fun interpretation of Lauren Weisberger’s bestselling novel of the same name. The super-cute Anne Hathaway plays Andy, the ever-fresh journalism student who lands the job of a lifetime at Runway magazine. There’s just one problem: Andy’s not really a fashionista. In fact, she’s just the opposite and, to add insult to injury, she’s never even heard of the she-devil herself, Miranda Priestly (a pitch-perfect Meryl Streep), editor-in-chief and fashion icon.

Andy wants to be a journalist and takes this job as a stepping stone. Only it’s a serious job in an industry where people take fashion seriously, who seriously know the difference between Prada and Club Monaco (Andy’s sweaters of choice). And when she doesn’t fit in, Andy becomes the fashionista she never knew she could be, which changes her world forever. Once Andy enters the world of Miranda Priestly, she finds it’s hard to get out. Long hours, impossible requests and ridiculous cutdowns, Andy’s own life starts to suffer. She goes from ‘working to pay the rent’ to living, defending, and even dieting for Miranda.

The movie is kind of silly in a fun, chicklit sort of way, and even though the peformances are all very good, I found it a bit boring. Reading about someone being abused and watching repeated patterns of abuse in the workplace just isn’t all that fun. And there’s some pat scenes (I’m so tired of the uber-makeover scenes in movies like this, as if Andy realizing her inner fashion queen would solve all of her problems, yawn), along with some really cheesy dialogue, but the players rise above it and damn, if Anne Hathaway isn’t just charming as all hell.

In the end, I enjoyed it, but not as much as I thought I would. But then, that’s how I felt about the book too. But the shoes, well, they are remarkable. All in all, it’s good summer fun. I’d give it three highkicks out of five.

3 thoughts on “TRH Movie – The Devil Wears Prada”

  1. I don’t know if you realized, but you actually gasped out loud at the scene with the mega shelf full of shoes.


  2. Enjoyed the book (despite the predictable plot and spelling errors throughout) Haven’t seen the film yet but I will definitly check it out…

  3. This movie didn’t do a good job of potraying the tale. The Meryl Streep character was a little too much of an extreme at times. The “fashion” in the movie was laughable…the fashion industry is not Zoolander…and Club Monaco didn’t deserve the bashing it got in the movie, what was the deal with that? It’s not Banana Republic….

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