My Eyes! My Eyes!

I went to the hospital today for my visual field test. Easiest. Test. Ever. You sit on a chair, rest your chin and then stare into a little plastic box with your eyes covered and then push a button when you see flashing lights. I, of course, saw flashing lights everywhere, so I’m sure I failed, but whatever, I didn’t get pricked, prodded, x-rayed, MRI-ed, shot full of dye, or any other number of annoying things that usually happen when I’m at the hospital. Oh! And I was early, so I was in and out of there in 10 freaking minutes.

How sweet is that?

It’s maple syrup I tell you, maple bloody syrup!

One thought on “My Eyes! My Eyes!”

  1. Eye tests are my favorite ones, they are so easy and painless. Its one of the few appointments I look forward to. 🙂

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