Sex And The City Years

I’m not ashamed to admit how much I miss having new episodes of Sex and the City to look forward to. For a while there, Bravo was airing marathon sessions of six or so episodes in a row, and I Faux-Voed them all, because they made perfect tv watching when the WG-fatigue hits in the early evenings.

And one of the most surprisingly wonderful things about the disease, is that I have energy in the mornings. Not while my blood was missing mind you, but now that it’s been found, I actually wake up chemically rested (I’m taking sleeping pills because the prednisone keeps you awake) with energy at a decent hour.

This morning, I woke up at 7:30 AM and cleaned the house, well half of the house, the other half will have to get done throughout the week. Then, I went to brunch with Sam, and yesterday, I had lunch with another girlfriend. And it’s that sitting around, eating, with a good friend that makes me so happy that I have energy. Anyway, having brunch two days in a row made me think of Sex and the City and how much I miss the show, and all kinds of other good stuff.

One thought on “Sex And The City Years”

  1. Hi, just found your blog randomly, and it caught my eye.

    Sex and the City is actually a guilty pleasure of mine, and I also miss the days of new episodes.

    And your fifth rule of blogging should be not to tell your co-workers about your blog, because news around the office travels faster than the speed of sound. 🙂

    Great blog! 🙂

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