Things That I Have Learned Today

In the grand TRH tradition of creating lists when I’m too tired to write a proper blog post. Here are some things that I’ve learned today:

1. I’m right to oppose my RRHB’s pleas to get rid of our land line and only use cell phones. Not only is that bad for the environment, but it’s annoying too. Oh, and he’s always mocking me for turning the phone off when I’m not using it (it’s a work cell phone so I’ve pretty much only got it on during business hours). This way I only charge it about once a week, thus saving that energy for other good things, like running this damn computer.

2. The world is seriously pissed at James Frey. Now he’s been dumped by his agent and idiotic people in the States are suing him—over ‘misrepresented reading experiences’. Yes, I’m being serious.

3. My RRHB is more famous today for having an article up on the homepage of Sympatico/MSN. It’s here if you want to read it.

4. The world (well, the Oscars) seriously loves the Annie Proulx-inspired Brokeback Mountain. But you’ve got to holla when “It’s Hard Out Here For A Pimp” is nominated for Best Song. And go Terrence Howard.

2 thoughts on “Things That I Have Learned Today”

  1. The fuss over the whole James Frey situation is insane. So what if he “stretched” the truth… I wish that everyone would drop it. All of the commotion does not take away that it is a good book.

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