New Year’s Revolutions Redux

Keep in mind that just a mere 365 days ago, I went back to work after sick leave only to be laid off due to “restructuring.” So today when someone said to me, “Ragdoll, the boss wants to see you,” my stomach dropped to my knees. The last thing I needed was to get fired again!

Of course, I wasn’t getting fired from my almost-new job—she just wanted to let me know that we got cost of living increases, which is always nice. But my panic attack led me to another New Year’s Revolution: try to look at things more positively.

I decided that there’s little I can actually do to control the health situation. I need to give in to the fact that the disease is sort of having its way with me right now and as soon as it’s back into remission, I can concentrate on being super-duper-ooper healthy. For now, surviving is the best I can do.

But thinking positively? Well, that’s something I can start right away. And it comes in small doses, so it shouldn’t be all that hard to keep for the next 365 days.

One thought on “New Year’s Revolutions Redux”

  1. DUDE.

    You make a very good point, but if I were in your shoes, I would have FAH-REEKED given the experience of last year! Kudos to you for at least making something positive out of it.

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