Let’s Get Political

Although I’m not usually outwardly political in this space, an article in today’s Globe made me furious. So the US Ambassador is ‘upset’ with the current non-government because, and I quote,

“[The US Ambassador] said Canada shows little respect for U.S. concerns. He acknowledged irritants such as the softwood lumber dispute and the war in Iraq, but called on Canada to accentuate the positive.”

Why should we accentuate the positive? Should we be jumping for joy at the fact that Bush is destroying the environment without a concern for future generations? We should celebrate the fact that neo-conservatives are reversing 40 years of hard earned rights for women? There might be a lot of things wrong with the Liberal Party, but everything seems fodder for “election”, which I honestly believe is a complete waste of our time. Harper didn’t need to take down the government; Layton didn’t need to side with him, the whole thing smacks of playground antics.

Men grabbing at power because someone else is perceived as weak to pursue their own ends. Oh, I’ll be voting on the 23rd, but it might not be for the party that I’ve voted for in every single local, provincial and federal election since I was 18, and that’s saying a lot to get someone like me to change her mind.

Now, has anyone read eOnline lately—what’s happening in the real world?

Edited later to add: Oh, and are we supposed to take it at face value that this “criticism” of the Liberals is coming at a time where the neo-Conseratives, the party most likely to let Bush sweep in and use up all of our natural resources like we’re another state, are poised to take power and turn North America into one big blue-loving map? Pul-lease.

One thought on “Let’s Get Political”

  1. Well as my Granny used to say, “You’re never wrong, but you’re right this time.”

    Thank you for once again encapsulating my thoughts and writing them down. My literary well dried up at “Dear George. Blow me.”

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