The Globe 100

The annual Globe and Mail 100 list comes out today, telling us all about the best books published this year. It’s my second-favourite issue of the paper, right behind the truly awesome crossword they do at the end of every year.

I’ve read 6 out of the 100 (Saturday, Three Day Road, The Wreckage, The Time in Between, An Audience of Chairs and The Year of Magical Thinking). I’ve got about another 7 or 8 on my to read list, but they don’t count. I also think it’s kind of funny that neither of the GG winners are on the list: David Gilmour’s A Perfect Night to Go to China nor John Vaillant’s The Golden Spruce (which I have read). The Giller winner is there, which sort of shows they kind of got it right, but I still am in shock that Three Day Road didn’t win the GG, it’s by far the best book of the year, IMHO. Or maybe I’ve got it all wrong and the Globe‘s list is way off, but somehow, I don’t think so…

And I don’t see Best Abridging [ragdoll] for Little Women. Heh. Just kidding.

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