The Worst Part…

…is that I don’t feel like myself lately. My brain can’t focus, I have no energy to do anything. I keep crying because I don’t like not feeling like myself, not feeling useful, not feeling like I’m living up to my potential, whatever that might be. There are so many things I wished for when I was a kid, I think, or at least I knew to trust my instincts, that everything would be okay. That I would be okay. The worst part of all of this is losing that inner voice. The lost cry of my own personality being drowned by the disease and my seeming inability to wake up these days.

Would anyone think less of me if I took a break?

One thought on “The Worst Part…”

  1. Of course not, if you mean taking a break from writing here and just resting. I might miss my daily Ragdoll updates, but getting your inner voice back is WAY more important.

    And knowing how wonderful your regular voice is (as a certain Munro still remarks)I imagine your inner one to be just as sweet and simply resting right now too.

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