Things You Notice When You’re Too Tired

To do anything except notice things.

People search for the strangest things. I love looking through the Site Meter to see how people are getting here, the few that aren’t my friends who end up here somehow, but I’m shocked at the number of people searching for information about George Stromboloupolous, and am even more shocked that they’re looking for information about his height. What’s up with that?

I have started having side effects from the prednisone. I’m hungry all the time and am all wired when I try to sleep. I feel like I’m covered in a layer of puff. And the crying, oh the bloody crying, for no reason and all the time. I’m half-ashamed of myself.

Well, not a very exciting post. No links. No love. Not much of anything except a girl battling with a dumb disease that she didn’t ask for and doesn’t much want.

2 thoughts on “Things You Notice When You’re Too Tired”

  1. well when i worked at a search engine i stumbled across lots of strange sub cultures by looking thru the logs and running usability tests — went into californian homes and apartments to take a peek. two interesting characters that stick out — the orchid woman, she had a tiny apartment filled with orchids and books with pages marked. she was on the hunt for a rare one. i remember a fellow with a boar’s head on his wall searching for mini vans, analyzing cup holders and features. i think the juxtaposition of the stuffed animal and the mundane struck me as funny.

    on a side note, you’ll have to fill me in on how to add site meter to my site. i think there’s really no traffic to my site but would still be interesting to have some measure.

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