Things That Annoy Me #159873

Well, my RRBF has instilled a solid sense of complaining into our everyday lives. That means that I’ve inherited his uncanny ability to complain about everything. And I do, but I’m even tired of listening to myself.

So here’s what I’m tired of complaining about:

1. The price of gas. Or rather, listening to other people complain about the price of gas. I read a post of Wing Chun’s that said, you know, gas shouldn’t really be so cheap, and I kind of agree with her. If the prices stay up then people will actually think twice about the resources they use. Well, until they’re on the TTC like I was on Sunday with smelly perfume lady on one side and unbearable BO buddy on the other.

2. Not eating sugar. Sigh. It’s been almost three weeks, and I’m doing well, I think. But I still get cravings and I totally crashed today and ate potato chips, but salt & vinegar—so no sugar.

3. The state of my non-house. Our house is barely off the ground, and even with the new windows, I’m still frustrated and grumpy because it’s not nearly where I thought we’d be by now. And we’re [this close] to having spent the majority of our money already. Ah, the joys of owning your own home.

Okay. That’s it, no more complaining about any or all of the above things. And if I bring them up again, you’re too right to wallop me over the virtual head.

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