Feeling Sick vs. Being Sick

If there’s something I’ve come to realize about being a bionic girl with a big, bad disease, it’s that there’s a very real difference between feeling sick and being sick.

As I said yesterday, I’ve got a bad cold. My throat’s all swollen, my head is pounding. I’m sniffling, sneezing and coughing, all of which truly suck, especially when next week is so fun with the RRBF‘s record release and other goodies happening. I don’t want to end up with bronchitis or, worse, pneumonia, which tends to happen if I get sick when I’m taking the disease medicine.

Yes, I have bad disease days, where I feel some symptoms, my sinuses hurt, I’m tired beyond belief, but the drop-down-must-get-to-bed cold feeling is certainly not the same as knowing but not seeing the disease eat away at my kidneys.

Anyway. Just a random thought for today.

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