Hard Liquor + Rock Show = Fuzzy Head

When you’re bionic, the best thing about a rock show is being able to stand for three or four hours and not be a) tired or b) in pain. It’s a blessing. It’s a change in your life that you’re utterly and completely aware of every second of the day. No, even from the moment six months after surgery when you don’t need the cane and you’re strong enough to stand on your own two feet.

So I met some friends from my old work yesterday, and because of my crazy diet, I can’t drink beer, which pains me. I also shouldn’t be drinking while I’m taking the Imuran, but last night being Cuff the Duke‘s record release party, and coming off of two very hard weekends in terms of working on the cottage, I sort of decided to let go. Armed with more than a handful of gin and tonics, I had a rip-roaring good time that’s left me a bit foggy brained and tired today, but in a gloriously good mood.

It was such a fun night, Scarbie Doll met us at the pub, and then we had a drink with the boys before we walked with Nelly over to Lee’s for the show. Before getting to Lee’s we were asked by a lovely Russian man sitting at Future’s to sit and have a drink with them. Scarbie looks so great these days, and she has such a glow about her, it’s really wonderful to see.

So we ended up at Lee’s Palace rather tipsy (well, loaded, if you must know), and proceeded to dance, jump, hoot and holler through the Cuffy’s set. It’s a great new record, and it was a great show. And for their encore, do you know what they did? They gave a heck of a shout out to other Canadian independent bands by covering one of the songs from my RRBF’s new album. The one that came out on Tuesday. When it was all said and done he quipped, “Well that’s that, we can never do that song again!” Heh.

We got home at 2 AM, drunk, watched Coronation Street because we’re addicted and fell into bed. Ah, sleep. Ah, the life of a Rock and Roll Girlfriend where all the boys in the band know who you are, but don’t really know you. It’s a funny in-between life we lead.

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