The Cliche That Must Not Be Written #1

Here’s the thing. Writing a book is hard. Writing a good book, even harder. And finding a good editor, well, that must be the hardest. Because I just took a quick, ahem, break and started to read, The J.A.P. Chronicles. And before I even got past page five, came across the following cliche: “Neither of them slept that morning. First they ate pancakes and eggs at an all-night diner…” oh yes, it gets worse, “They made love until noon, his white hands moving over her with slow, exhilarating skill, his lips finding places even she didn’t know could be kissed…”


One thought on “The Cliche That Must Not Be Written #1”

  1. Yeah, I got somewhere that can be kissed. MY. GOOD. LORD. I can’t believe people can write like this and get published.

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