Thunder! Lightning! Celebrity Sighting!

My RRBF picked me up from work today (summer hours, yay!), as I spent the night with my aunt who just had surgery. We decided to go out for lunch (how decadent!) and went to Utopia, a favourite haunt of mine on College Street. They have yummy, yummy vegetarian food.

The RRBF played Brantford last night at the Ford Plant, but I can’t remember the name of the festival. Oh, the life of a rock star. Annywaaay. We sat down and shortly thereafter George Stromboloupolous came in and started talking shop with some fellow sitting right beside us eating a salad.

Ah, to be an artist and to always be able to have a lazy lunch on a Friday afternoon. Oh, but wait, he’s actually locked out right now, and it’s probably not even his choice to be having a lazy lunch on a Friday afternoon.

Okay, now it’s time for me to get back to my aunty. Oh! And did I mention there’s crazy thunder and lightning in Toronto right now? No? Well, there is. I love it.

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