La Cuisine

On the best part of the night last night, Tina and I went out for dinner to this little restaurant in her neighbourhood (I’ll fill the name in later, because I didn’t write it down). We had the most wonderful trout with julienne green beans, and then for dessert, I had warm bananas in a pastry with vanilla ice cream and molten chocolate poured all over it. It was absolutely marvellous. This morning, the wonderful friend that Tina, I woke up to two fresh pain du chocolat, my absolute favourite and a delicous cup of tea. You know, I’ve never eaten a bad meal in Paris, it’s brilliant how wonderful it is.

Oh, and we were talking about French Women Don’t Get Fat, and Tina was verifying that a lot of it is genetics, but that the culture over here is just as obsessed about weight and body image as we are in the west. I said it was a diet book disguised as a fancy lifestyle book, and I think I’m sticking to that original observation.

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