#37 The Kalahari Typing School For Men

Dear Alexander McCall Smith:

I (heart) you. Every page of The Kalahari Typing School For Men made me care even more about characters that I already love. Every time Mma Ramotswe solves a case, cares for her foster children or speaks reverently about her father, I swoon. Soon I’ll have finished all six books and then will be left with a gaping hole of nothingness to be filled in pale comparison by some books I have yet to meet.


2 thoughts on “#37 The Kalahari Typing School For Men”

  1. How the frig have you read nearly 40 books already? At this rate you’ll be at near 80 by Christmas, surpassing even Stephen King who put this idea in your head in the first place (and who gets his extra count through books on tape instead of chicklit.) And you watch a full roster of TV shows, read magazines and attend concerts. When, dear friend, do you find time to sleep?

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