#36 Love @ First Site

The main character in Jane Moore’s Love @ First Site, Jessica, gets set up by her friend that’s not really a friend on an Internet dating service. A thirty-four-year-old television producer happy being single but who really wants to find that someone, Jess puts herself through a number of awful dates including one who does a runner during dinner and sacks her with the bill, another who complains about smoking and her bad habits only seconds after meeting her, and one handsome man who sees her and decides on the spot that he doesn’t want the date to go any further.

The romantic premise of this chicklit book finds Jess looking for love amidst a family crisis that rocks her to the core and brings about some serious life changes. The predictable, almost pat, ending is okay, but it wasn’t worth me staying up until 1 AM last night finishing it.

In the end, when you read about characters on or around your age, it’s funny how much you impress your own life and experiences upon them, finding bits of yourself stuck on the page, so much so, that you spend more time thinking about the state of your existence than you do relating to the characters. It’s a passable book that left me more grumpy than ever about my own impending birthday.

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