The Way of the World

Of all the crazy-ass sh*t that I’ve read over the last little while, the news report on today about how unborn babies carry pollutants perhaps freaked me out the most. It wasn’t the news story per se, which is upsetting and traumatic regardless, but the fact that yahoo had (I’m assuming) inadvertently dropped a big box ad for health and/or life insurance beside it. The ad’s image was of a towheaded tyke being tossed happily in the air by his model parent, and the copy advised people to think wisely about the lives of their kids.

The whole hand-in-glove relationship between the media and the advertisers has never been so glaringly apparent. So, mothers are poisoning their kids in the womb, but not to fear, once they’re born you can buy life and/or health insurance for their safety. Ah, the non-genius of subtle advertising. Where’s Janet’s boob when you need it to really dispel what’s important in America?

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