And While I’m Talking About My Ex-Work

It’s nice to know that when it comes to Bosses From Hell, there’s at least a history to refer to. I wonder why she didn’t make this list—perhaps because she’s reigning over a teeny-tiny online department for a Canadian broadcasting company. But I’d swear, she’s right up there with Leona Helmsley, in fact, I’d say that’s a pretty fair comparison.

But I truly have to wonder what makes people act so completely uncharitable when it comes to money and/or the making of it. There must be so much deep psychological baggage with these people to act this way that no amount of success monetary or otherwise would ever make them happy. Man, it makes me glad to know that I’m out of her rat race. Who ever would have thought getting fired would actually be a blessing, especially considering I’m using a good bulk of the money to go to Europe this summer. Now that’s karma for you.

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