Heat = Bad Moods

The city continues to swelter under smog and high temperatures. Walking around downtown everyone complains about the weather and looks miserable. Sitting in a government office waiting doesn’t make anyone more happy either. It’s strange, how the weather affects people, and how we spend so much of our time figuring ways around it instead of figuring out ways to live in it.

We’ve got air conditioning so we can close our windows and doors, chill ourselves to the bone and ignore summer. Only now Toronto Hydro is urging people to reduce electricity because it’s about to blow—well not seriously, but we’re consuming way, way too much these days. I feel guilty just turning it on at night, but my RRBF can’t take the heat either, like so many people I know.

We drive everywhere, which contributes to the smog, which makes us need the air conditioning, which drives up the electricity, which makes our footprint bigger, which makes me think of the frog on the log in the middle of the lake, and so on. But it’s not so much the driving, as the people who leave their cars idling. The silly morons who are still convinced that SUVs (aka Stupid Useless Vehicles) are needed for the off-roading on Jameson between King and Queen Streets.

And now, all of you in SUVs should drive around with egg on your face. The US are going to destroy a small section of the caribou’s natural migration and/or habitation in the north for SIX MONTHS of oil. Six months. Resources that will last for less than half a year will destroy hundreds of thousands of years of natural habitat. What’s wrong with you?

And no wonder Canadians “hate” Americans so much. What’s wrong with those people who voted for the oil drilling, how short-sighted are they? How little do they care about the Earth, the animals, the environment. I’m getting so upset just thinking about it, and before you say it, yes, it just happens to be that time of the month.

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