Feeling Hot Hot Hot

I made the grave mistake yesterday of biking to my errands. Now that I’ve bought my tickets for my fabulous birthday trip to Europe (oh, how Victorian of me!), there are a few things I need: travel bag, travel-sized toiletries, and the list goes on. And since the meds are making my scalp really itchy and dry, I wanted to find some nice shampoo that might help. So, I decided to ride my bike. Whew, what a mistake that was—it was 34 degrees in Toronto yesterday, without the humidex. Which meant that I was biking around mid-day in 45 degree weather, in the shade.

Silly ragdoll, you say. Silly ragdoll indeed. By the time I got home, I was dehydrated (regardless of drinking an entire bottle of water), faint, and feeling really overheated. Insane! Maybe it was a bit of heat stroke, who knows, but it turned me into the crankiest, angriest girl I’d been in a long time.

I tried to sleep, and then made dinner, did the dishes and felt much better. The RRBF wasn’t much better. After spending the last few days clearing out the rest of the crap from the basement, paying to get all the garbage hauled out of the backyard, then fixing the leaking plumbing, he was so tired that he spent the entire day either in front of the television or on the computer.

Strange thing this heat, we beg for it all winter and then when it comes around it’s a bit too much for us to take. Ah, the subtle irony of living in Canada with its extreme fluctuations.

The good news is that we didn’t drive the car yesterday, I didn’t take any extra bags for shopping and tried not to turn the air conditioning on until we absolutely had to. I’m still trying to be a better person for the environment, but it’s hard.

Today’s the beginning of a big conference for work, so I’ll be at work this afternoon and all day tomorrow. Wish me luck!

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