
It’s so hot in Toronto these days. When we went out for Chinese food this evening it was actually 37 degrees Celsius. That’s a bit crazy. We discovered that of all the things in the house that are wrong (the ants, the smell, the rotten garage roof, the bowing walls in the basement, the bad pipes, the faulty electricity, and I could go on but won’t because the list makes me too sad), there is one thing that’s actually right: the air conditioning actually works. Hallelujah. I feel quite guilty about using it though, so I’m going to re-start my donations to the David Suzuki Foundation and the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Foundation next paycheque.

My stomach hasn’t necessarily been coming out of me these past couple of days because the doctor lowered the medication to see if my system could tolerate it better. I’ve stopped throwing up in the morning, and have managed to have a bit more energy than usual, but am still having to curtail my extra-curricular activities. I hate that. Having the disease is one thing, having it totally interfere with my life is completely another.

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