Urban Girls Gardening

After three solid days of feeling like complete crap, I woke up on Saturday morning feeling much better. I had made plans with Zesty to make a trip to Humber Nurseries and buy plants for our front garden. We spent, ahem, loads and bought some really neat plants, Black-Eyed Susans, poppies, lavender, ferns, sweet little baby’s breath and some other stuff I can’t remember.

Now, keep in mind, I’ve never gardened before. Unlike Zesty, who should open up her own firm called Urban Girls Gardeners. She’s awesome. It’s like watching someone utterly and completely in their element, a whole new side of someone I’ve known now for the better part of twenty years. It was quite incredible.

Then I managed to go for a bike ride to see Manny, the osteopath, who ended up doing some wacky treatments where he wore a glove and stuck his fingers in my mouth. It was surreal to say the least. The man remains truly amazing for his ability to capture the essence of what’s wrong with my body: all of the places he treated are the ones affected by the disease.

By the time I got home, the RRBF was home so we went to our local pub and had dinner. We then walked around our old neighbourhood, visited the CD store, and he bought me a Wilco album (“Seventeenth”). We had just watched the documentary I Am Trying To Break Your Heart; it’s all about the recording of their record, “Yankee Hotel Foxtrot.” All in all, a great Saturday.

Too much to ask even, that when I woke up this morning, I had energy. We went out to eat breakfast, got home, cleaned the house, went to see Cinderella Man (predictably good) and have made dinner. It’s amazing to feel like a normal person. A gift after the week I had last week.

Back to work tomorrow. Fingers crossed my good luck, good mood and relatively good health holds up. It’s back to the doctor tomorrow.

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