Freaks and Geeks

I’ve been half-reading a whole bunch of books lately, and a few that I haven’t finished are: French Women Don’t Get Fat, a diet book disguised as a fancy French lifestyle book; Ash Wednesday, Ethan Hawke’s second novel, which is so embarrassingly bad that I can’t bring myself to finish; Runaway by Alice Munro, where I’ve started the first story about sixteen times and never gotten any further; and The Good Soldier by Ford Madox Ford, which I’m determined to finish, so more on that later. Ahem, probably much later.

Annnywaaay. One book I did manage to finish, which makes #27, is Paul Feig’s Kick Me. If you don’t know Paul Feig, it’s okay, he’s not actually a household name. Best-known as the creator of the truly amazing Freaks and Geeks, one of my all-time favourite television shows, Feig’s prose style is easy-going, and I really envy that. The book is so funny. I was reading it on the TTC coming home from work one night and was laughing so hard I had to put the book away for fear of serious public embarrassment. It’s such a wonderful, honest portrayal of just how plain weird you are as a kid. How you do the silliest things and how truly brutal adolescence can be—highly recommended summer reading!

I’ve watched a bunch of movies too, but only because I’ve been feeling seriously under the weather lately and have had less than no energy to do anything at all. Except kill the ants, of course.

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