It’s Been A Long Time Coming

After a hectic week away for work, I managed to go out last night and celebrate the fact that a friend from my former job has escaped the clutches of the Boss From Hell. And another friend, Suzy Q, has also tendered her resignation. So that’s two more staff members in the span of three weeks that have left. Oh, that doesn’t count the one she fired about five weeks ago or the other one who moved departments less than five months after starting.

So, the latest ghastly story I’ve heard is that one day last week, BFH was walking the halls and said to a colleague, “I’m tired of looking at all these skinny bitches.” Yes, she referred to her team as a bunch of skinny bitches. Yes, this is the woman in charge of the online department of one of Canada’s biggest broadcasters. Now if she were complaining about someone as silly as Paris Hilton in that manner it might not be so bad, but come on — how is this professional and how does this woman still have her job?

Oh, and to make matters worse, I hear the VP is hiring a bunch of consultants to come in and fix the problem because it’s gotten so bad in the department. Here’s a suggestion: fire the boss, get rid of the useless MBA-twits, and find a decent leader. Oh, and then hire back all the talent you decided to get rid of because you felt insecure that they actually knew what they were doing.

Then, some British guy at the bar picked up my business card for my new, fabulous job, and after asking how I knew everyone, he said, “Oh, you’re that girl.” Yes, that’s me, the disabled girl who got fired her first day back after hip surgery. And anyone and everyone that I tell that story to still has a horrified look on their face when I say, “Yes, ten minutes, she fired me ten minutes after I got back.”

Well, Nelly, I raise a glass to you because you’re out, and we’ll celebrate far into the night as Suzy Q makes her gracious exit next Friday.

It’s sure nice to have friends though. Lord knows we’ve all developed quite a pack of enemies.

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