Everyday Life

I’m in the middle of two books, am back at work, and am experiencing the joys of everyday life — doing dishes, making dinner, cleaning the house. Maybe I shouldn’t complain so much about being sick.

Feeling better also means surfing the Internet, which can be good or can be bad, the labyrinth of sites all leading you different places. Here’s where I travelled today:

1. Do I think Leonard Cohen should win the Nobel Prize? Um, that’s a hard one to have an opinion about, I read and loved Beautiful Losers, but haven’t read any of his poetry, but do enjoy his music — but a Nobel Prize? It’s an interesting proposition. And that whole Buddhist monk thing he did, hot. Is that shallow of me?

Oh and some previous winners: Toni Morrison, J.M. Coeztee, Nadine Gordimer, Saul Bellow, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Samuel Beckett, shall I go on?

2. Does this woman not have a job? Who reads 4 books in a day, I could barely manage 4 books in a week. But still, quite the title, the competitive side of me would love to start a challenge where I, or someone I know, has a comparable amount of reviews on Amazon.ca.

3. Yay for writers! Maybe we can finally move away from the conception that online writers are hacks and content should always be free. Too bad it’s an American lawsuit…now I can’t charge all those crazy web sites and kids that stole various articles from the History Television site when I was writing it.

4. Some fancy-schmancy dude is making it his personal ambition to debunk and cut apart Microsoft Word’s grammar check. But I do kind of agree it’s for writers who already understand the basics of grammar, but shouldn’t it be begging the question more so why kids aren’t be taught grammar anymore and are therefore looking to an automated program to just “fix” their problems? Enough complaining about Microsoft, start complaining about the education system. And while you’re at it, buy a copy of Eats, Shoots and Leaves.

5. What a lovely blog from writer Michael Winter. But the comments are kind of annoying. It’s one thing for the writer to write entries as such, poetic, flowing, lyrical, etc., but quite another for Joe Blow to feel like he can comment in the same fashion. Holy pretentious Batman.

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