It Happened Last Saturday At The Sadies

We saw them. The show was very good. Andre Ethier was incredible. And then fellow who I am not familiar with took the stage, maybe he could have brushed his hair, but whatever, I felt like I was in Singles. That’s no comment on the quality of his performance, just that after Andre Ethier, it seemed incongruent.

Regardless, that’s not the point of the post. In speaking with a friend of ours, the RRHB said something about Ethan Hawke. To which, said friend said, “What a [insert derogatory comment here].”

Apparently, he and his wife had seen Ethan Hawke at the Toronto airport around the time of the festival surrounded by his “people,” barking on the phone and wearing a baseball cap. Tucked sideways. Yes, sideways. I can’t help but have preconceived notions, such as the aforementioned feeling as though I was in Singles when a guy with long, scraggly hair came on stage and got all emotional. Really? Sideways?

The Sadies rocked though. It was packed, and we were both tired from moving furniture all day, the RRHB having injured himself in the process, so we only managed to stay until mid way through their set, which was still 12:30 AM. All in all, a good night for fun.

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