#15 The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants

…I couldn’t put this book down. I read it in about two hours. It’s a young adult book about four friends who find a pair of magic pants; pants that give them strength, support and courage during the first summer they spend apart.

My life lesson today: don’t ever assume you’re too old to read kid’s books. Sometimes, they can surprise you, like your sweet, sweet nephew cuddling with you on the couch because you’re still sick at Easter dinner and feeling sorry for yourself.

The book makes me want to tell my girlfriends how much I love them; how much I’m looking forward to getting old with them; how much they inspire me and give me strength; they make me stronger than I could ever be standing alone in this crazy, fucked up world.

2 thoughts on “#15 The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants”

  1. I love you. You inspire me everyday. You will overcome this latest obstacle, because that’s just who you are — someone who has a plethora of obstacles to overcome. Though it’s not an easy hand you’ve been dealt in life, you handle it with grace and make it look easy. Your strength astounds me. I am a better woman for knowing you and having you consider me a friend.

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